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Everything Old Is New Again

3700 Almeda Rd, Houston, United States

Photo by Felipe Galvan on Unsplash

It's no secret that I love tech, especially one that makes your life easier, more efficient, and overall better. I particularly enjoyed witnessing the mass adoption of digital advertising and social media as lower cost ways to find your audience. But even though I love my digital, I can't underestimate the power of television. Right now, everyone is talking about the relevancy of digital, the number of voices preaching 100% digital for your marketing media mix has grown exponentially. Now, speaking from the trenches as a small business that helps other small businesses navigate the ever fragmented world of advertising, I would be remiss in not pointing out the fact that television is converging with digital. Your old TV is your new way of consuming everything digital. Yes, folks watch stuff on their phones, tablets, and laptops, but every time I purchase OTT (over the top TV), guess where the most viewers are watching? On their TV's. And broadcast TV has taken notice, they too are converging with digital and pumping out streaming content at break-neck speeds. If you want to reach a massive audience today your number one choice is still television.

It's true.

It's still the biggest, fastest way to build a brand. The landscape is changing and there is no one size-fits-all approach to marketing, but as of right now if I want to make a BIG splash... then make sure TV is included in your media buy. Keep in mind that TV doesn't mean the same thing it did 10-15 years ago. Video is still king and it wields enormous influence.

These are just a few things to keep in mind as we make our way through the slow, summer months gearing up to all of the back-to-school and Labor Sales coming up soon.

Stay cool and thanks for stopping by!

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